Soon after the great storm an immortal form of man came from the planet Sephias,
these men were described as men that couldn't die and had very large wings,
these men were very strong and had no Skystones so they couldn't use there power.
however thay had one weekness... a weapon made of crimson gold is the only thing that can kill them, fortunately thay were the only ones capable of harvesting it because its from Sephias.
these immortal men made a hidden city far from the human cities.
The immortal men needed a leader but no-one wanted to lead the city, after a few years someone became the leader an immortal named Serithi,
after he became the leader he named the city Sentharia.
more will soon be released about VotS and the immortals
This is Voice of The Storms content and is permitted by @Wesley388
me and him are working on different parts of Voice of The Storms.
This probably should've been a bit longer, but I'm a fan of the series, so what the heck, right lol?
I'm glad that you two are working together on this series, BTW. (Kinda like how me and @royal-rawr are working on his Drovana Pokemon region together.)