An ancient enemy of the immortals, the shadow dwellers.
Beasts as dark as the night sky long before the immortals came to undrael a forsaken beast of the shadows was destroyed, as the immortals had fought for 5,965 years against the beasts know as the farsighters, the sadow dwellers, and the forsaken, when the war was finally beaten the immortals found that the planet Undrael was peaceful, so they went there to make a city, the city nammed Sentharia.
After a few years a star had fell from the sky into the kings temple, this star was a weakness to the farsighters, but instead of using its power thay decided to destroy it, because the farsighters are also an immortal race, which would mean that the immortals were also as weak to it as the farsighters.
The forsaken, had found a way to Undrael, leading to war in coming times.
The farsighters were always expected to make a return but were never seen sense the last war.