Now, if you have trouble reading math equations (like I do sometimes), or if those images didn't load in your browser for some reason, allow me to explain how to calculate this stuff.
These "IVs" can range between 0 and 31, and at level 100, you get 1 point per each IV in each stat, whereas at level 50 you get 50% of that, and at level 30 you get 30% of that, and so on.
The following images show the stats of 6 different Level 50 Rayquazas:
The 1st image shows the stats of 6 different Rayquazas that were just caught, and that haven't been trained yet (which means that they have no EVs), while the 2nd one shows their stats after training them to have 252 EVs in their Attack and Sp. Attack stats, and 6 EVs in their Speed stat.
Rayquazas A, B, and C have the highest possible IVs in every stat (31), while D, E, and F have the lowest possible EVs (0) in all stats.
Ditto has base stats of 48 in everything, and this one has had it's Sp. Attack EVs maxed out, so you can see how much higher it is than it's Defense and Sp. Defense, which weren't trained.
This is a Phione, which has a base stat of 80 in everything, with the same Nature, EVs, and IVs as the Ditto that I just showed y'all:
By looking at its stats at Level 50, you can see clearly the impact everything has on it's stats, including the training in Sp. Attack (again, compared to Defense and Sp. Defense, which weren't trained), the effect its Nature has on its stats (Attack being 10% lower than Defense and Sp. Defense, and Speed being 10% higher than them), as well as the difference between it and the Ditto's stats: 32 points higher in everything, the same as the difference between their base stats.
This is a resubmission of an old blog of mine that was (IMO) wrongly rejected, which I polished up some, and made a few minor improvements to.
(Such as adding those links to those online stat calculators, and merging parts 1 and 2 together.)
According to the (former) Blogmin who rejected it, it was rejected for the follow reasons:
[spoiler=Thi500's Reasons]a) explaining how to do it manually is useless when the calculator exists.
b) the pokemon examples he gave are banned anyway, and are never even used.
c) upon further inspection, as expected from him, a lot of stuff in this blog are incorrect (such as how stats grow, it's not a set amount, its different for every pokemon) and he also fails to explain how IVs work other then what they are.[/spoiler]
My counter arguments to Thi's points are the following:
A) As I stated in this resubmission of my blog (and in some of my comments on the original blog, as well), not everyone can use those online stat calculators in their web browser, so Thi's argument doesn't apply to everyone.
(Which I can personally attest to as a longtime 2DS user.)
B) This particular point is irrelevant, as the examples were chosen because of their base stats, not because of how often they are used in battles, or whether or not they are banned under any particular ruleset.
Thi failed to mention what (if anything) about the information provided in my blog is "incorrect", but if he (or anyone else) could please point out to me where these supposed inaccuracies are, please do so, and I will gladly examine them, and if they are found to actually be incorrect, correct them as soon as am I able to do so.
Regarding his statement about IVs, and his assertion that I "also fail to explain how IVs work other then what they are", I do in fact explain how they work (with regards to stats at least, anyway), and I don't necessarily explain "what they are" (nor do I believe that doing so is necessary for the intended purposes of this blog), so I find this particular claim of his somewhat confusing.
(If anyone here can explain to me what he meant by this, I'm all ears.)
08 Feb 2021 18:38
In reply to Draconid_Jo
About the last point: I haven't read it all just yet, but if you could include a supplement someplace else to add on to this, that'd be nice :]
28 Feb 2021 06:51
In reply to GuiedGui
You mean the last point I made in my comment here?
If so, I'd be cool with doing that. What exactly did you have in mind?
Also, thanks for that cool spoiler trick of yours! (I can't get enough of it, lol!)
28 Feb 2021 07:25
In reply to Draconid_Jo
I was just thinking that there is some nuance that's brushed over even in that lengthy comment. I think it'd be an interesting read, especially since I talked a little with Thi himself since you posted this
28 Feb 2021 07:44
In reply to GuiedGui
You see, me and Thi aren't exactly the best of pals, and he has (IMO) a long history of questionable blog rejections, including several of mine that were rejected by him, only to later be featured by other Blogmins.
He oftentimes didn't explain why he rejected them, or gave weird vague explanations similar to the one he gave for rejecting this one (this is actually the closest thing I ever got to a real explanation from him, TBH), leading me to believe that his blog rejections were simply based on his personal feelings about me and/or my choice of topics, rather than the feature-worthiness of the blogs.
Did he say anything about any of that to you?
28 Feb 2021 07:58
In reply to Draconid_Jo
It was indeed this blog, but I don't recall much of what we discussed. I do remeber touching on PvE vs PvP metas.
28 Feb 2021 08:06
In reply to GuiedGui