I am willing to take your guys's ideas as to what games the site should have. If its a good and do-able game ill make it using javascript. please read my blog on it. Also i need to confirm this with Hull. What do you say Hull?
It's great to see members helping out with these things. Hull obviously approves, because that's what he did with your blog. I'm guessing we'll have many rediculous suggestings like: "Ooh make Final Fantasy."
A Mario Kart clone like you mentioned in a blog sounds too difficult and out of the range of Javacript though. Not to mention copyright breaching, if you decide to use Mario characters.
how about a MMORPG called the mystical journey, or TMJ for short!ohwait...
but for real reals:maybe a kind of racing game with pvp. youre a snowball right?and youre on this wavy track.the object of the game is to roll your ball(upward strokes with stylus) and have it get bigger as it accelerates.then we you hit the finish line, you win!on the track there can be rocks and debris stopping you and pratically crushes your snowball(reverts to smallest or small size). this game can be played from birds eye view, so feel free to make it 2-D.whenever you win or lose, it records your stats.i was thinking about upgrades, but that would kind of kill it :/ i cant make this myself(no time/computer)but i hope you can! oh yes and i think a four player ffa would be awesome.this idea was takin from a mario minigame, but nothing in it depicts it was from nintendo, so copyrights shouldn't be a problem
Communism: You have more water, everyone has more water!