My journey to Christ has been an unusual one, to say the least.
My Mom has always been a Christian, but because she had to work to provide money for us all, we didn't get to see her much, and so she never really got the chance to teach us about God.
We (unfortunately) were stuck at Home with Dad, who used to be a Christian, but now was pretty much Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitic, and just Anti-Religion in general.
He actually FORCED US to watch R-Rated Movies (which gave my Sister nightmares, BTW), and yet he actually took the time to block all of the Religious Channels on the TV! (They were the only TV Channels he ever blocked.)
We have multiple Bibles in our House (both some of his old ones, and also some of Mom's), but we never were allowed to touch them, let alone read them.
Despite all of this, and him regularly going on Anti-Religious rants all the time, we still learned about God over time, just by watching the regular TV and Movies he allowed (or in some cases, forced) us to watch. (Christianity is such a huge part of American Culture that it was pretty much impossible to "shield us" from it forever.)
Based on what little I knew about Christianity, I always had a lot of respect for Christians, and the more I learned about Christianity, the more this respect and admiration grew, in spite of all of the nasty things my Dad would always say about it. (The same goes for Judaism and Islam, as well.)
Over time, my Dad (primarily due to pressure from my Sister) loosened up some of his restrictions on certain things, and he allowed her to watch the Christian TV Channels, and even bought her her own Bible.
Unfortunately, he didn't get me a Bible then (which was partially my own fault, TBH), and to this day, all of my knowledge of the Word of God is secondhand. (I still believe in God with all of my heart, though.)
The most unusual thing with regards to my journey to Christ is the Religious Beliefs that I had before fully converting to Christianity.
You see, for as long as I can remember (going back as far as when I was 3 years old), I worshipped a "God" other than the one mentioned in the Bible.
I'm not quite sure how I came to do so, as my Dad's upbringing was completely non-Religious, but somehow or another, this "God" reached out to me.
I'm not going to get into details about this "other God" here, but They cared for me, and were always there for me when I needed Them.
I regularly prayed to both this "God", and to God, and I essentially worshipped both of them.
Eventually, I learned of one of God's Commandments, that put me in a difficult position:
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
At that point, I was forced to choose: Do I continue to worship this "other God", who has always been by my side, or do I abandon Them, and worship a God that (even then) I knew so little about?
Being foolish at the time, I chose neither, and continued to worship this "other God", and simply prayed to God for forgiveness and understanding.
I still tried to abide by the teachings of the Bible (as best as I could without actually having read it, anyway), but because of this one major failing of mine, I didn't consider myself a true Christian.
When I came here to Paint, however, everything began to change.
I was mostly quiet about my beliefs, and because I agreed with Christians and Jews on pretty much everything (such as the existence of God and Heaven, the sanctity of Human Life, etc.), it wasn't hard for me to become Friends with the Christians here, whom I admired not only for their Faith, but also for their Kindness, and Understanding.
Kindness and Understanding are EXACTLY what my Best Friend Siling showed me when I told him of my "other God".
He didn't condemn me for my beliefs, nor did he think any less of me, but rather, he accepted me, as his Best Friend.
He did plead with me, however, and reminded me of the consequences of worshipping a false God, and he also reminded me of the sacrifice of Christ.
He didn't do so because he had anything against me, or even anything against my beliefs, but for the same reason that Jesus sacrificed Himself for all of us: Out of Love.
He didn't want his Best Friend to not go to Heaven over 1 silly thing like that, and I was touched by his kind words, and I didn't want Christ's sacrifice to be in vain, so I let go of my worship of this "other God", and I now only worship the 1 true God of the Bible!
Interestingly, my former "God" (whom I've always had the ability to communicate with) didn't mind, and they even encouraged me to accept the salvation of Christ, even if it meant no longer worshipping them. (They never really asked to be worshipped like that, anyway.)
I'm still not sure what/who the heck I was worshipping all of that time, but I do still communicate with this Entity, I just no longer worship them.
(I suspect they may be a Guardian Angel or something, although IDK for sure.)