"On Paint's Discord. Still watching the site at least once a week. Go bother another admin or speak to me on Discord."
13 Sep 2010
09 Jul 2023
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For starters, I'm a veteran member since 2010. I've seen a lot of things change from this community over the years. I may not always be on but I do try to check the community at least twice a day to make sure it's not on fire.
I may not talk to you until you've been in the community for at least 3 months. Sorry.
I do have a heart condition called Pulmonary Hypertension so I'm kind of physically challenged... but anyways I don't give up easily though. Oh, I'm Filipino and understand some Spanish and Tagalog (all not too fluent but I'm learning). If you want know more about me, ask.
Also, I've been a chat moderator since July 8, 2014. Friend or foe, if you break the rules, I will ban you. Sorry. Screw it. Just don't post anything illegal or anything that's too obscene.
I mean it. Don't make me use this.
Terminator as of March 5, 2015.
Every other admin power except Overlord as of April 11, 2016.
Overlord since October 28, 2019.
If you have any problems regarding the site, go to the QUESTIONS FOR ME section of my profile below.
Also, please try not to cause trouble. As a veteran member and admin, I've seen and tracked most permabans over the years. I make sure they never come back. You can't hide from us. We have eyes and tools to see everything.
-DS Games (Don't ask me to play them with you. Nintendo Wifi Connection ended May 2014): Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Black, Metroid Prime Hunters. -3DS games: Pokemon AlphaSapphire (I play competitive), Pokemon UltraMoon (I lost them), Smash Bros for the 3DS (L button broke), Mario Kart 7.
PC games: -World of Warcraft and Overwatch: For my Btag or Blizzard account, ask. If you want to find me the hard way, read below.
I play mainly on Bladefist US in my personal guild named Fifty Layers of Shadow. I'm most likely on my Level 20s doing Battlegrounds. Do /who Fifty Layers of Shadow 20. Chances are it could be me. If not, it's probably a friend that knows me. You can also go to the Tailoring Building in the Mage Quarter in Stormwind and you could find my character sitting there.
I sometimes have an active subscription in which case, do /who Fifty Layers of Shadow (whatever the current max level is). Chances are I could be doing old raids for gold. In that case, you should probably leave me alone and try again later.
As for Overwatch, I go as AngelicStar and I mainly play Arcade for my weekly loot boxes. I can main a Reinhardt, Reaper, Moira, Sigma, and Sombra. (Currently in hiatus due to current real life situations.)
-Steam: Also ask for that. I mainly play single-player games like Skyrim.
Some interest
Colors: Pink, Red, White, Blue, Silver, and Black.
Music: Touhou, Video Game Music (VGM for short), and sometimes pop as an instrumental.
Activities: Video games, trolling, and Internet stuff.
Food and Drink: Salmon, Sushi, Shrimp Ceviche, Sarsi (look it up. It's like Heaven's soda for me), Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. Any spicy, sweet, or sour foods.
Games: Pokemon (especially Hoenn), Metal Gear Solid 3, Final Fantasy (V, VI, XII, and Tactics Advance), World of Warcraft.
TV, Movies, and Films: Baka and Test, Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl, Shindler's List, In Time, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Johnny English Reborn, Gran Torino, and Hunger Games. I don't have TV and I barely go to the movies.
School Subjects: Science, Economics, Art, Law, Sleeping (wait, sleeping isn't a subject. Oh well).
Animals: Cats (used to have one), Dogs (if they don't bite), Wood Frogs (they can be frozen and live!), Meerkats (used to watch Meerkat Manor), Raccoons, Eagles.
Contacts or other sites
Facebook: Ask me in person. I'm not linking it anymore. If you somehow find it, message me who you are or I will definately NOT add you.
Twitter: Ask for that.
Discord: Ask for that too.
Youtube: AngelicStarShadow. It's mainly used for bookmarking videos.
Hatena:Angela (id: Star_Shadow) Hatena is dead by the way.
World of Warcraft: -Server: Bladefist US
<Fifty Layers of Shadow>-Bladefist All of the Rank 2s and above are mine.
-Characters: Omegahunterx (Druid), Angelicstar (Paladin), Alicelestial (Shaman), Sagittaria (Hunter), Omeganull (Warrior), Ombrecorbeau (Rogue), Elunesive (Priest), Deathalchemy (Warlock), Jillaria (Mage), Ironserpent (Monk), OmeganullXYZ (Death Knight), and Angelicvoid (Demon Hunter). I hang out around Goldshire or in Stormwind's Tailoring building in Mage Quarter. I only play Alliance.
Feel free to leave any questions or comments. :3
Spam, hate speech, and advertisement (of blogs or website) are all automatically deleted.
On the computer? This is the best video ever of SDK. Cortesy of me. o.o
Best SDK video ever